christmas 2024 

Show Times: 

Show runs Dec. 1 - Dec. 30

Mon-Sunday 6:00pm-10:30pm 

Tune Radio to 107.7 FM

Email to your favorite song from the show.

We ask that if you enjoyed the show to please donate to the "Tunnel to Towers Foundation".


You you have any comments or would like to nominate your favorite song, Please email to  We would love to here from you.

Note: Please turn off you headlights while parked and leave parking lights on.

There will be four different Play lists this year.  Below are the list of soung played each night in December.

Shows for Dec. 1,7,13,19,25 Christmas Vacation

Greatest Time of the YearBaby It's Cold OutsideMr.GrinchGod Bless the USAChristmas In the SandWinter WonderlandBecause It's ChristmasHolly Jolly ChristmasChristmas Every Day

Shows for Dec.  2,8,14,20,26

Christmas VacationCarol of the BellsChristmas Tree FarmO Holy NightGod Bless the USABaby Pleas Come Home Kid on ChristmasHave Yourself a Merry Little ChristmasThe Mandalorian x Carol of the BellsMarshmallow World

Shows for Dec. 3,9,15,21,27 

Christmas VacationFrozen Let it GoSleigh Ride (Pentatonix)TSO Wizards In WinterGod Bless the USAYour HereFrozen Into the UnknowSanta Tell MeSanta Clause is coming to TownChristmas This YearGrandma Got Run Over by a ReindeerQueen of the NightTSO Nutrocker

Shows for Dec.     4,10,16,22,28

Christmas VacationLittle St. NickThe Santa ManMele KalikimakaUnder the TreeGod Bless the USAWonderful Christmas TimeChristmas without YouRun Run RudolphJoy to the WorldRudolph The Red Nose Reindeer (Finale)

Shows for Dec. 5,11,17,23,29

Christmas VacationGreatest Time of the YearBaby It's Cold OutsideMr.GrinchGod Bless the USAChristmas In the SandWinter WonderlandRudolph The Red Nose ReindeerBecause It's ChristmasHolly Jolly ChristmasChristmas Every DayCarol of the Bells (Lindsey Stirling)Santa Can You Here Me

Shows for Dec. 6,12,18,24,30

Christmas VacationCarol of the BellsChristmas Tree FarmO Holy NightGod Bless the USABaby Pleas Come Home Kid on ChristmasSleigh RideSanta Clause _Parody of PanamaHave Yourself a Merry Little ChristmasThe Mandalorian x Carol of the BellsGod Bless the USAFavorite Time of the YearMarshmallow World